Home Search by category Home & Garden Interior Decoration Interior Designers in Pakistan

Interior Designers in Pakistan (610 Result(s))

Online Directory of Interior Designers in Pakistan providing list of names, contact numbers, addresses and reviews.

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We Found 610 Companies
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Ashary's is a global design focused brand built on artisanship, innovation and experimentation with precious materials. The Company was established by Mr. Arif Ashary in the year 1989 and is focused on delivering high-end luxury furniture, imported Italian kitchens, architecture and interior design,...more

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Ahsan Ehsan Interiors is a Karachi based company established since 2016. The Company offers services for home improvement and renovation, home decor and interior design services. The Company specializes in transforming spaces of all types, including offices, restaurants, cafes and clothing stores.

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InDesign was started as a small wood workshop by Ms. Ghazala Rehman in Lahore in the year 1981. Ms. Rehman is a graduate in Fine Arts from the prestigious National College of Arts Lahore. InDesign pioneered custom design furniture in Pakistan back in the 80s and aided in creating a market for design...more

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Interior Designers in Pakistan

Displaying listings from 1 to 10 of 610