Home Nursing Assistants in Hyderabad. (2 Result(s))

Are you looking for Home Nursing Assistants in Hyderabad. Connect with hospitals, clinic and home healthcare companies providing Home Nursing Assistants in Hyderabad. Compare price, read reviews and rate services.

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We Found 2 Companies
 | 5 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

Tabba Heart Institute is a specialized private cardiac care, 170-bed hospital established in Karachi by Aziz Tabba Foundation in the year 2005. The Hospital is a non-profit medical organization offering expert cardiac care treatment such as cardiac imaging, cardiothoracic surgery, preventive cardiol...more

 | 5 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic Centre is providing clinical laboratory and diagnostic services since 1987. The Laboratory specializes in radiology services such as digital x-rays, ultrasound, colour doppler, MRI, CT scan, exercise tolerance test, dexa scan and echocardiogram. The Laboratory also o...more

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Home Nursing Assistants in Hyderabad.

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