Hospitals in Islamabad. (37 Result(s))

Online Directory of Hospitals in Islamabad providing list of names, contact numbers, addresses and reviews. Book appointment, read reviews and rate services.

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We Found 37 Companies
 | 5 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

Emergency services are open and available 24/7, 7 days a week at Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad. Our emergency department is well equipped with an adequate number of cardiac monitors, defibrillators and other critical care equipment including ventilators and a dedicated ultrasound machines.

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Multiple Locations

Over the past decade, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre has established itself as a Centre of Excellence providing comprehensive free if cost care to thousands of indigent cancer patients. This pioneering, state-of-the-art more

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UHealth International is a state of the art hospital in Islamabad offering OPD services in cardiology, gynecology, paediatrics, ENT, pulmonology and radiology services including x-rays, ultrasound, CBCT and mamography. It has a 24/7 emergency service, labour rooms, pharmacy and blood bank. Also offering advanced Stem Cell Transplantation procedures using bone marrow stem cells.

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Hospitals in Islamabad.

Displaying listings from 1 to 10 of 37