Restaurants in Pakistan. (639 Result(s))

Online Directory of Restaurants in Pakistan. Your guide to thousands of restaurants listings, menus and reviews.

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We Found 639 Companies
 | 1 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

Hardee’s, known for its thick juicy charbroiled burgers, is the fourth largest fast food chain in the world. Its signature products include; ANGUS Thickburgers Super Star Famous Star the Jalapeno Chicken Santa Fe Wraps Hardee’s also offers more

 | 5 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

The year 2004 witnessed the onset of coffee revolution when Espresso became the city’s first Espresso Bar. Ever since, the city inculcated a cultural change where going for a coffee or doing coffee most often meant meeting at an Espresso Coffee House. more

 | 2 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

McDonald’s is a multinational food services retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 121 countries. McDonald’s Pakistan is owned and managed by SIZA Foods (Pvt) Limited which is a Lakson Group Company. McDonald’s first restaurant opened its door more

 | 2 Star Ranking >> Read Reviews
Multiple Locations

It was a sunny afternoon in October 1969, when students were returning home from nearby schools and colleges on Katrak Road, Saddar, Karachi. A man of around forty, Haji Muhammad Amin, was standing behind a stall which had a few plates and a bucket more

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Restaurants in Pakistan.

Displaying listings from 1 to 10 of 639