Gujrat Chamber Of Commerce & Industry - GTCCI

Near Rehmani Bridge, G.T Road, Gujrat.
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The Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry - GTCCI is a corporate body licensed by the Government of Pakistan under the Trade Organization Ordinanc..more

Gujrat Chamber Of Commerce & Industry - GTCCI

Gujrat Chamber Of Commerce & Industry - GTCCI

Near Rehmani Bridge, G.T Road, Gujrat.
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Head Office
Address :  Near Rehmani Bridge, G.T Road, Gujrat.
Landmarks :  G.T Road, MF Furnishers, Rehmani Bridge
City / District :  Gujrat
Phone: +92-53-9330021, 9330024

Company Profile

The Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry - GTCCI is a corporate body licensed by the Government of Pakistan under the Trade Organization Ordinance 1961 - Revised 2007.

GTCCI was established in 1993. It is working under the Directorate of Trade Organization, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan. GTCCI is affiliated with the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry - FPCCI.

GTCCI which is enjoys the status of apex body of trade and industry has a significant and most distinguished role in the economic development of the city in particular and country at large. It has about 2500 members on its fold comprising Corporate & Associate Classes. This Chamber is being managed by 32 Members of Executive Committee headed by the President, Senior Vice President and Vice President as office bearers & administration is looked after by an executive head known as Secretary General.

The Object for which the Chamber is established are:

  • To promote and protect the economic interest of the country is general and of those engaged in trade, commerce and industry in Gujrat in particular;
  • To promote cordial and mutually helpful relations between those engaged in trade, commerce and industry:
  • To consider all questions connected with trade, commerce and industry:
  • To obtain the removal, as far as the Chamber can, of all acknowledged grievances affecting merchants and/ or industrialist or mercantile and/or industrial interest in general:
  • To promote or oppose legislative and other measures affecting trade, commerce and industry.
  • To adjust controversies between the members of the Chamber.
  • To encourage decision of dispute by arbitration and to arbitrate between parties willing to refer to, and abide by, the decision of the Chamber or Committee, or persons constituted or appointed in that behalf by the Chamber specially, or under bye-laws framed by the Chamber.
  • To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions between parties willing or agreeing to abide by the judgment and decisions of the Chamber.
  • To established just and equitable principles in trade, commerce & industry.
  • To form a code or codes of practice to simplify and facilitate transaction of business.
  • To maintain uniformity in rules, regulation and usage of trade.
  • To sell, improve, mange, develop, exchange, lease or let, sublet, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property of the Chamber.
  • To construct upon any premises acquired for the purposes for the Chamber any building or buildings of the purposes of the Chamber and to alter, and to or remove any of the Chamber.
  • To borrow or raise any moneys required for the purpose of the Chamber upon such terms and in such manner and on such securities as may by determined, and in particular by the issue of debentures, Sukook or Musharika term finance certificates or any other bonds charged upon all or any of the property of the Chamber.
  • To establish and support, or aid the establishment and support, and support of funds, Trust and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Chamber or the dependents or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances.
  • To subscribe to, and become and continue to remain a member of, the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry and co-operate with it and with any other organization of trade, commerce & industry, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of this Chamber and to procure from and communicate to any such body such information as may be likely to forward the cause of this Chamber.
  • To obtain representation on councils, commission, boards, committees and other Government or Municipal bodies whose objects may be synonymous with those this Chamber or when such representation may be advisable in the interests of the Chamber.
  • To do all such other things as may be conducive to the extension of trade, commerce or manufactures, or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
  • To collect and circulate among member’s statistics and other information relating to trade, commerce and industry.
  • To undertake all measures necessary, allowed under any law for the time being enforce for running the affairs of the Chamber smoothly and in a financially feasible/viable manner.

Business Details

Managed By: Mr. Bao Munir Peshawari - President Mr. Musa Nadeem Melhi - Senior Vice President Mr. Fahad Rafiq - Vice President
Y.O.E: 1993
Business Type: Services
Affiliations: Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry - FPCCI.
Parking Facility: In house Parking is available
Business Hours:
Monday 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM
Closed Now
Wednesday 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM
Saturday 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM